Tag results for: news

News, Views, and Attitudes Part 1: Our Innate Need to Know

Category: Season 10

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Mark Kelley, PhD., Author, Journalist

Mark Kelley, PhD. is a native Pennsylvanian, who taught journalism/mass communications at Syracuse University and the University of Maine, after twenty-five years as a professional journalist.

Media literacy is the ability to critically analyze stories presented in the mass media and to determine their accuracy or credibility. This session introduces our innate need to know what is happening in the world around us and explains how our brain processes the information gathered by our five senses—vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell—into messages we can understand. It also explores how we form attitudes (opinions) using the information delivered by our senses, and the impact our attitudes have on our ability to understand messages we receive from mass media.
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News, Views, and Attitudes Part 2: The Development of News Media in The United States

Category: Season 10

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Mark Kelley, PhD., Author, Journalist

Mark Kelley, PhD. is a native Pennsylvanian, who taught journalism/mass communications at Syracuse University and the University of Maine, after twenty-five years as a professional journalist.

The News, Views, and Attitudes series explores the state of the news media and their audiences today, trying to examine whether truth can be found there and, if so, how someone might be more successful in extracting it. This session tracks the development of news media in the United States and examines how well they have communicated the truth–about people, places, and things–that we need to know. It examines efforts by some to discredit certain media and convince audiences they are not telling the truth (fake news). It also notes the advent of the Internet, and the threat it poses by creating a world where everyone can claim to be a journalist.

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News, Views, and Attitudes Part 3: How Mainstream Journalists Do Their Jobs

Category: Season 10

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Mark Kelley, PhD., Author, Journalist

Mark Kelley, PhD. is a native Pennsylvanian, who taught journalism/mass communications at Syracuse University and the University of Maine, after twenty-five years as a professional journalist.

Media literacy is the ability to critically analyze stories presented in the mass media and to determine their accuracy or credibility. This series explores the state of the news media and their audiences today, trying to examine whether truth can be found there and, if so, how someone might be more successful in extracting it. This session explains how mainstream journalists do their jobs and looks at the commercial and ideological pressures under which they work. It examines ethical standards journalists are committed to, and reviews scholarly research attempting to answer the question: Are American journalists biased?

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