Identity Theft & Imposter Scams

Category: Season 6

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Mary Bach

AARP Pennsylvania Consumer Issues Task Force

Mary Bach is a nationally recognized, independent Consumer Advocate. She is also Chair of the AARP Pennsylvania Consumer Issues Task Force. She has taken her knowledge to many television outlets including the Today Show, Good Morning America, Donahue, and Dateline. She has also been featured in the pages of Good Housekeeping, Business Week, Money Magazine, USA Today, and the Wall Street Journal. Her work is centered around preventing fraud against older consumers.

Is your relative really in trouble and calling you for money? Is the person on the phone asking for bank information really from the IRS? Phone scams are on the rise. But if you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam. Learn about techniques criminals use to steal your personal information and get no-nonsense advice on how to avoid identity theft and imposter scams.

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