Census 2020: Ensuring a Complete Count in Pennsylvania
Category: Season 6
Tags: society
Norman Bristol Colon
Executive Director, Governor’s Census 2020 Complete Count Commission
Mr. Bristol Colon works in the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development and was appointed by Governor Wolf to serve as the Executive Director of the Census 2020 Complete Count Commission. He has been an active voice in Pennsylvania on social justice issues, is a Penn State University graduate and has worked as a minority recruiter at Millersville University, and as an administrator for the School District of Lancaster.
Census Day is officially April 1, 2020. Everyone should answer the census questionnaire. We all use our roads, our bridges, our services, and our schools. The census determines how many seats in Pennsylvania will get in Congress and how much federal funding we’ll receive for the next ten years. An estimated $800 billion in federal funds will be allocated to states for things like infrastructure, education, and Medicaid. Pennsylvania stands to lose about $2,000 each year for every person left uncounted. Learn more on why it’s important to get the numbers right.
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